2018-04-13 18:30 Arvika |
Golden Five. Round 1. |
Result |
1. 8, |
S32 Rennend Fort |
2. 4, |
H32 Cheerful Speed |
3. 7, |
S32 That Damned Sonata |
4. 11, |
V32 Carlos Helrör |
5. 10, |
S32 Fair Rose |
6. 9, |
S32 La Môme Piaf |
7. 1, |
S32 Amanda Big Boy |
8. 2, |
H32 Benjamin Rori |
9. 3, |
H32 Clever Star |
10. 12, |
H32 Kvarngärdets Bonifacio |
11. 5, |
V32 Heavy
Valley |
dsq |
Armina Larockma |
2018-04-20 18:30 Boden |
Golden Five. Round 1. |
Result |
1. 4, |
V32 Hey Dude |
2. 2, |
H32 Ladies Follow Me |
3. 8, |
V32 Suitcase Matthew |
4. 10, |
V32 Heavy
Band |
5. 1, |
S32 Rekwest |
6. 11, |
V32 Gentleman
Striker |
7. 12, |
S32 Ticking Moon |
8. 6, |
V32 Las Piñas |
9. 7, |
V32 Money On Fire |
10. 9, |
S32 Jacobsens Law |
11. 3, |
S32 Kvarngärdets Briska |
dsq |
Siscuriouscerasus |
2018-04-27 18:30 Eskilstuna |
Golden Five. Round 1. |
Result |
1. 10, |
V32 Heavy
Valley |
2. 12, |
S32 Joules Law |
3. 2, |
H32 Pinstripe´s Dribbler |
4. 4, |
S32 Narkissos Kronos |
5. 5, |
V32 Heavy
Band |
6. 1, |
S32 Pinstripe´s Dixie |
7. 8, |
S32 Jacobsens Law |
8. 7, |
S32 Armina Larockma |
9. 6, |
H32 Cheerful Speed |
10. 3, |
V32 Hey Dude |
11. 11, |
H32 Clever Star |
12. 9, |
S32 Giselle |
2018-05-04 18:30 Mantorp |
Golden Five. Round 1. |
Result |
1. 2, |
H32 Pinstripe´s Dribbler |
2. 8, |
S32 Siscuriouscerasus |
3. 1, |
S32 Jacobsens Law |
4. 11, |
S32 Spirito Di Amore |
5. 5, |
H32 Benjamin Rori |
6. 9, |
V32 Hey Dude |
7. 6, |
V32 Heavy
Band |
8. 7, |
S32 Sad Cherry |
9. 4, |
V32 Laxviks Nyponbuske |
10. 10, |
H32 Cloud Walker |
11. 3, |
S32 Pinstripe´s Dixie |
12. 12, |
S32 Holy Thought |
2018-05-18 18:30 Karlshamn |
Golden Five. Semifinal |
Result |
1. 5, |
S32 Jacobsens Law |
2. 4, |
V32 Heavy
Valley |
3. 6, |
V32 Suitcase Matthew |
4. 7, |
S32 Fair Rose |
5. 2, |
S32 Rekwest |
6. 10, |
H32 Pinstripe´s Dribbler |
7. 1, |
V32 Hey Dude |
8. 8, |
S32 Rennend Fort |
9. 3, |
H32 Benjamin Rori |
10. 9, |
S32 That Damned Sonata |
2018-05-18 18:30 Tingsryd |
Golden Five. Semifinal |
Result |
1. 5, |
S32 La Môme Piaf |
2. 8, |
S32 Narkissos Kronos |
3. 11, |
S32 Joules Law |
4. 2, |
V32 Carlos Helrör |
5. 7, |
V32 Heavy
Band |
6. 9, |
S32 Siscuriouscerasus |
7. 1, |
S32 Pinstripe´s Dixie |
8. 6, |
H32 Cheerful Speed |
9. 10, |
S32 Spirito Di Amore |
10. 4, |
H32 Ladies Follow Me |
11. 3, |
V32 Gentleman
Striker |
2018-06-01 18:30 Solvalla |
Golden Five. Final. |
Result |
1. 7, |
V32 Heavy
Valley |
2. 6, |
S32 Rekwest |
3. 11, |
H32 Pinstripe´s Dribbler |
4. 9, |
S32 Narkissos Kronos |
5. 8, |
S32 Fair Rose |
6. 1, |
V32 Heavy
Band |
7. 12, |
S32 Jacobsens Law |
8. 4, |
S32 Siscuriouscerasus |
9. 3, |
V32 Carlos Helrör |
10. 10, |
S32 La Môme Piaf |
dsq |
Suitcase Matthew |
dsq |
Joules Law |