Split Times
Stolopp. Max 0 kr. (9507)
Sweden  Dannero  2008-07-28

Distance: 1640 m Age/Gender: 3-12 years / Only mares
First Prize: 10 000 kr Starting Time: 19:00
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 10 + 0 kr
Max points: - Earnings: No money won
Track Conditions: Heavy Track Conditions Registration Closes: 2008-07-25 19:00

Split Times
Horse Start 500m 1000m Homestretch End
4. Elegant Top 1,09.6 1,18.5 1,19.4 1,15.9 1,16.9
1. Seulement Curieux 1,11.7 1,17.9 1,19.2 1,15.1 1,16.9
2. Jolly Fall 1,10.4 1,18.2 1,19.1 1,03.3 1,15.9
9. Bambino Giornaliere Del Dolce 1,13.8 1,17.4 1,19.0 1,15.5 1,16.9
5. Going To The Mall 1,10.5 1,13.4 1,18.5 1,04.8 1,14.2
8. Feel The Sun 1,09.9 1,12.7 1,16.5 1,12.0 1,14.0
6. Windy Winter 1,10.3 1,13.0 1,16.3 1,06.9 1,13.7
3. Tropical Box 1,08.3 1,15.8 1,16.2 1,07.7 1,13.8
7. Trembling Box 1,10.6 1,17.6 1,14.6 1,06.0 1,13.7
