Split Times
Ireland Fever (241484)
Northern ireland  Annaghmore  2024-09-10

Distance: 3140 m Age/Gender: 5-12 years / All
First Prize: 375 000 kr Starting Time: 19:00
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 375 + 0 kr
Max points: - Earnings: All
Track Conditions: Light Conditions Registration Closes: 2024-09-07 19:00

Split Times
Horse Start 500m 1000m 1500m 2000m 2500m Homestretch End
10. Enough Already Law 1,04.0 1,08.4 1,11.4 1,12.1 1,10.5 1,14.7 1,05.6 1,10.7
4. Red Hope 1,02.9 1,10.0 1,14.3 1,12.9 1,13.6 1,14.0 1,02.0 1,11.6
2. Lucinda Cherry 1,05.8 1,13.3 1,16.3 1,11.5 1,13.5 1,13.8 1,00.0 1,11.6
9. Yuzu Superior 1,04.7 1,07.1 1,15.9 1,15.8 1,13.3 1,13.6 1,00.0 1,12.6
5. Guti Haz The Man 1,02.9 1,08.9 1,11.8 1,13.1 1,11.2 1,12.1 1,08.5 1,10.5
7. Tete De La Course C.C. 1,02.7 1,09.5 1,11.1 1,12.9 1,10.9 1,11.9 1,10.0 1,10.5
1. Listening Wolf 1,03.8 1,10.5 1,11.6 1,11.9 1,12.4 1,11.7 1,07.7 1,10.6
3. Fixo Lore 1,01.9 1,10.9 1,12.0 1,12.3 1,10.7 1,11.5 1,35.7 dsq
6. Adielsson The Man 1,05.4 1,07.8 1,14.1 1,11.5 1,10.2 1,11.3 1,09.3 1,10.5
12. Micki Cola Cherry 1,05.1 1,13.6 1,11.4 1,14.4 1,09.2 1,11.3 1,06.7 1,10.6
11. Perfect Picture Pegasos 1,05.4 1,06.4 1,10.9 1,11.7 1,15.2 1,11.1 1,04.2 1,10.9
8. Inkas Eurodancer 1,04.1 1,14.0 1,12.1 1,12.7 1,13.8 1,10.8 1,00.0 1,11.7
