Split Times
B-lopp (3) (15688)
Sweden  Mantorp  2008-12-21

Distance: 1640 m Age/Gender: 3-12 years / All
First Prize: 2 000 kr Starting Time: 12:30
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 2 + 0 kr
Max points: - Earnings: All
Track Conditions: Heavy Track Conditions Registration Closes: 2008-12-18 12:30

Split Times
Horse Start 500m 1000m Homestretch End
5. De Gule Enker 1,13.8 1,18.4 1,23.5 1,31.4 dsq
8. Black Beautiful 1,14.2 1,21.0 1,21.6 1,07.1 1,19.1
11. Graceful Ting 1,12.8 1,22.3 1,21.5 1,17.6 1,19.9
7. Sergeant Thinking 1,13.1 1,13.5 1,20.7 1,07.7 1,16.2
4. Épousseter Dame 1,14.5 1,18.2 1,20.6 1,16.2 1,19.0
10. Of The Century 1,11.9 1,14.2 1,18.6 1,10.1 1,14.3
3. Space Glory 1,09.6 1,14.5 1,18.5 1,09.3 1,16.1
2. Make The Grade 1,15.0 1,21.3 1,18.4 1,16.6 1,18.9
9. Vanilla Eyes 1,12.3 1,13.8 1,18.3 1,10.7 1,14.3
1. Celtic Milwr 1,12.2 1,20.0 1,17.5 1,08.6 1,16.0
6. Comfortable Box 1,09.4 1,14.9 1,16.3 1,11.3 1,14.4
