Éric Raffin 1, Polished Frenzy  1 Franck Nivard 2, Heavy
 Satellite  2 Örjan Kihlström 3, Imgonnawin  3 Rick Ebbinge 4, Lapti-nek Moussolou  4 David Thomain 5, Nessla Pic Bayle  5 Mats E Djuse 6, Sweet Imagination  6 Ken Ecce 7, Willy Styles The Man  7 Flemming Jensen 8, Hillbilly Lore  8 Carl Johan Jepson 9, Hartmans Law  9 Magnus A Djuse 10, Ojsan Grovjobbare  10 Dion Tesselaar 11, Polkamp  11 Michael Nimczyk 12, För Satan Ameste  12
The car
Austria Austria Austria Kirchberg Kirchberg Kirchberg
The start