Klaus Kern 1, Ivory Glam  1 Hans Crebas 2, Ticking Starshine  2 Anna-Karin Rundqvist 3, Fair
 Starshine  3 Thomas Uhrberg 4, Perfect Thought  4 Oscar Ginman 5, Amber Godiva  5 Catrin Fajersson 6, Rebellious Crusher  6 Tommy Zackrisson 7, Wild Heroine  7 Robin Swedberg 8, Pineapple Bubblegum  8 Kent Knutsson 9, Athletic Pressure  9 Claes Svensson 10, True Detective  10 David Källgren 11, Spirito Di Amore  11 Linda Allercrantz 12, Flower
 Thinker  12
The car
Sweden Sweden Sweden Tingsryd Tingsryd Tingsryd
The start