Micael Stjernström 1, Montillet  1 Erik Adielsson 2, Electric Cookie  2 Stefan Persson 3, Barefoot Jewel  3 Magnus Jakobsson 4, Malibu Stacy Lore  4 Mikael J Andersson 5, Licencia Vencer  5 Alessandro Gocciadoro 6, Infernalica Diablo  6 André Eklundh 7, Bluestar  7 Johan Untersteiner 8, Kinders Surprise Law  8 Per Lennartsson 9, Mazura  9 Ulf Ohlsson 10, Carlos Bronx  10 Claes Sjöström 11, Pietro Bull Cherry  11 Oskar Kylin-Blom 12, Étoile Jaune  12
The car
Sweden Sweden Sweden Mantorp Mantorp Mantorp
The start