Loyal Comet Loyal Comet (134256) Save bookmark

Sweden 38 years Stallion Halmstad Healthy
Starting Points 0p
Winnings 0 kr
This Season 0 kr
Race Statistics Starts 1 2 3 4 5 6
Total: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
This Season: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Short :
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Medium :
1,14.0 :
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Earned breeding royalties: 0 kr
Spice Girl, stoffefred
Breeding Stallion:
Close Architecture, stoffefred
Group 1: No trophies won!
Group 2: No trophies won!
Group 3: No trophies won!
Group 4: No trophies won!
Group 5: No trophies won!

Latest Race Results
Sweden 3 åriga. Max 25 000 kr. 2140a 2016-06-08 19:00 Dannero Track Conditions: Light Conditions

2, Sweden Fast Power Barfota C Kristian Lindberg 1,10.7a PB ↑999 15 000 kr
6, USA Ticking Vixen Järn C Ove A Lindqvist 1,10.8a PB 3.760 7 500 kr
3, Sweden Pinky Pie Barfota O Micael Melander 1,11.0a PB 3.010 3 750 kr
4, Sweden Neon Sunflower Barfota O Niclas Torstemo 1,11.0a PB 15.040 2 100 kr
1, Sweden Hand In Pocket Barfota N Tomas B Nilsson 1,11.2a PB ↑999 1 050 kr
7, Sweden Rocking Dribbler Järn O Angelica Holm 1,11.9a PB ↑999 600 kr
8, USA The Star Barfota O Jan-Olof Johansson 1,12.0a PB 7.520 - kr
5, Sweden Loyal Comet Järn O Lars-Åke Svärdfeldt 1,14.0a PB ↑999 - kr
9, Sweden Just Frenzy Barfota O Clas Jonsson DSQag ↑999 - kr
Previous Races
Sweden J 2016-05-20:1 6/2140 8 1,14.1a PB O 10' ↑999 Dal Th - kr
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