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Sweden Arvika Sunny
12:00   Provlopp 2140m 0 kr
Norway Bjerke Cloudy
12:00   B-lopp 2140m 2 000 kr
Sweden Dannero Sunny
12:00   Provlopp 1640m 0 kr
Sweden Gävle Brizzle
12:00   B-lopp 2140m 2 000 kr
Finland Halsua Brizzle
12:00   Provlopp 2140m 0 kr
Norway Jarlsberg Sunny
12:00   Provlopp 2640m 0 kr
Finland Kalajoki Sunny
12:00   B-lopp 2140m 2 000 kr
Sweden Kalmar Cloudy
12:00   B-lopp 2140m 2 000 kr
Sweden Karlshamn Raining
12:00   Provlopp 1640m 0 kr
Sweden Örebro Raining
12:00   B-lopp 2140m 2 000 kr
Sweden Rättvik Brizzle
12:00   Provlopp 1640m 0 kr
12:15   Provlopp (2) 1640m 0 kr
Sweden Umåker Raining
12:00   B-lopp 2140m 2 000 kr
Sweden Årjäng Cloudy
14:00   Klass Alfa 1640m 60 000 kr
14:10   Klass Beta 2140m 70 000 kr
14:20   Klass Gamma 1640m 80 000 kr
14:30   Klass Delta 1640m 90 000 kr
14:40   Klass Epsilon 2640m 100 000 kr
Sweden Karlshamn Raining
14:00   Klass Alfa 2640m 60 000 kr
14:10   Klass Beta 1640m 70 000 kr
14:20   Klass Gamma 2140m 80 000 kr
14:30   Klass Delta 1640m 90 000 kr
14:40   Klass Epsilon 2140m 100 000 kr
Sweden Lindesberg Sunny
14:00   Klass Alfa 1640m 60 000 kr
14:10   Klass Beta 2140m 70 000 kr
14:20   Klass Gamma 2140m 80 000 kr
14:30   Klass Delta 2140m 90 000 kr
14:40   Klass Epsilon 2640m 100 000 kr
Sweden Oviken Cloudy
14:00   Klass Alfa 2640m 60 000 kr
14:10   Klass Beta 2640m 70 000 kr
14:20   Klass Gamma 2140m 80 000 kr
14:30   Klass Delta 2140m 90 000 kr
14:40   Klass Epsilon 2140m 100 000 kr
Sweden Solvalla Cloudy
16:00   Kriteriet, final 2640m 1 000 000 kr
16:15   Oaks 2640m 250 000 kr
Registrations Start List Results Gamble
B-lopp (240493)
Sweden  Umåker  2024-06-16

Distance: 2140 m Age/Gender: 3-12 years / All
First Prize: 2 000 kr Starting Time: 12:00
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 2 + 2 022 kr
Max points: - Earnings: All
Track Conditions: Light Conditions Registration Closes: 2024-06-13 12:00

Start List
1. Sweden Punching Platinum Aleksi Kytölä Barfota O 2.80
2. Sweden Hermes Dad Jan Norberg Barfota O 4.67
3. Sweden Ivory Runaway Heidi Hiltunen Barfota O 3.50
4. Sweden Big Speed Jonas Karlsson Barfota O 7.00

One after another the horses came out on the track for the obigatory parade. After some warmup the horses lined up behind the car as it began to move down the track.

Ivory Runaway was looking particularly good and could easily take the lead.

Punching Platinum quickly put pressure on the leader and could take the lead after 500m.

Ivory Runaway looked tired after 1000m but had to keep up the tempo so that Big Speed couldn't come out from behind the leader, Punching Platinum.

Nothing seemed to be able to stop Punching Platinum today. It continued in the lead.

With only a little left of the race Hermes Dad galoped for 10 m. Punching Platinum were still in the lead when they started the sprint for the finish-line.

Ivory Runaway made a good sprint on the homestretch and crossed the finishline before Punching Platinum.

1: 3. Sweden Ivory Runaway Heidi Hiltunen 1,13.9 Barfota O 2 000 kr 3.50 1.92 PB
2: 1. Sweden Punching Platinum Aleksi Kytölä 1,13.9 Barfota O 1 000 kr 2.80 1.73 PB
3: 2. Sweden Hermes Dad Jan Norberg 1,14.6g Barfota O 500 kr 4.67 2.22 PB
4: 4. Sweden Big Speed Jonas Karlsson 1,14.7 Barfota O 280 kr 7.00 PB

Track Conditions: Light Conditions
Winner Margin: A nose
Owner: Stall ZT, Cummins
Winner Turnover: 1 400 kr
Top Three Turnover: 1 400 kr

Split Times