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Sweden Axevalla Sunny
12:00   5 åriga & äldre. Max 10 0... 2140m 5 000 kr
12:10   Alla. Max 50 000 kr. 2640m 20 000 kr
12:20   Alla. Lägst 2 500 000 kr. 2140m 40 000 kr
Norway Drammen Sunny
12:00   Ston. Max 0 kr. 2140m 15 000 kr
12:10   Alla. 1640m 30 000 kr
12:20   Ston. Lägst 250 000 kr. 2140m 40 000 kr
Sweden Lindesberg Cloudy
12:00   Max 0 startpoäng 1640m 5 000 kr
12:10   Alla. Max 1 000 000 kr. 1640m 30 000 kr
12:20   Ston. Lägst 25 000 kr 1640m 40 000 kr
Sweden Skellefteå Cloudy
12:00   Alla. Max 5000 kr. 1640m 10 000 kr
12:10   4 åriga. 2140m 25 000 kr
12:20   Alla. Lägst 250 000 kr. 2140m 45 000 kr
Finland Vieremä Sunny
12:00   3 åriga. Max 0 kr. 2640m 10 000 kr
12:10   Alla. Max 250 000 kr. 2140m 20 000 kr
12:20   Alla. 2640m 40 000 kr
Sweden Visby Sunny
12:00   4 åriga. Max 5000 kr. 2640m 15 000 kr
12:10   Alla. Max 75 000 kr. 2140m 20 000 kr
12:20   Ston. Lägst 100 000 kr. 1640m 40 000 kr
Norway Forus Brizzle
19:00   Max 5 startpoäng 1640m 15 000 kr
19:10   5 åriga & äldre. Max 50 0... 2640m 25 000 kr
19:20   Ston. Max 100 000 kr. 2140m 50 000 kr
Sweden Gävle Cloudy
19:00   Max 20 startpoäng 2640m 10 000 kr
19:10   5 åriga & äldre. Max 25 0... 2140m 10 000 kr
19:20   Alla. 2640m 30 000 kr
19:30   Alla. Lägst 250 000 kr. 1640m 45 000 kr
19:45   Max 20 startpoäng (2) 2640m 10 000 kr
20:00   Max 20 startpoäng (3) 2640m 10 000 kr
Sweden Kalmar Cloudy
19:00   Ston. Max 5000 kr. 2640m 10 000 kr
19:10   3 åriga. Max 10 000 kr. 2140m 15 000 kr
19:20   3 åriga. Max 50 000 kr. 2140m 20 000 kr
19:30   Alla. Max 500 000 kr. 2640m 45 000 kr
19:45   3 åriga. Max 10 000 kr. (2) 2140m 15 000 kr
Finland Mikkeli Cloudy
19:00   Max 0 startpoäng 2140m 10 000 kr
19:10   4 åriga. Max 100 000 kr. 1640m 30 000 kr
19:20   Alla. Max 200 000 kr. 2140m 50 000 kr
Sweden Örebro Raining
19:00   5 åriga & äldre. Max 0 kr. 1640m 15 000 kr
19:10   5 åriga & äldre. Max 250 ... 2140m 25 000 kr
19:20   5 åriga & äldre. Max 50 0... 2640m 50 000 kr
Sweden Solänget Cloudy
19:00   Ston. Max 10 000 kr. 2640m 15 000 kr
19:10   Alla. Max 50 000 kr. 1640m 30 000 kr
19:20   Ston. Lägst 1 000 000 kr. 2640m 50 000 kr
Spain Hipòdrom De Mahón Sunny
23:00   El Toro Grande 2140m 350 000 kr
Registrations Start List Results Gamble
Alla. Max 75 000 kr. (173153)
Sweden  Visby  2019-08-12

Distance: 2140 m Age/Gender: 3-12 years / All
First Prize: 20 000 kr Starting Time: 12:10
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 20 + 1 228 kr
Max points: - Earnings: max 75 000 kr
Track Conditions: Quite heavy track Registration Closes: 2019-08-09 12:10

Start List
1. Sweden Grand Max Fredrik Persson Järn O 5.01
2. Sweden Wild Pixie Anna-Karin Rundqvist
Neon Fabric (Hemlighetsfulla), Sören Galoppören (Hemlighetsfulla)
Aluminium O 15.02
3. Sweden Backstreet Bob Neng Wanlayaphol
Elvira Opal (Nilssons), Carlos Gammeldansk (Stall Ameste)
Järn O ↑999
4. Sweden Matteus Roger Malmqvist
Playing Orchid (Stall Alex), Temporate Fresco (Stall Alex)
Aluminium O 3.76
5. Sweden Amazing Meadow Jan-Åke Hoas
Glowing Heroine (Stall Giron), Rhythm Identification (Stall Giron)
Barfota O 7.51
6. Sweden Steel Pirate Claes Sjöström
Grasping Fall (Gonzalez Stables), Royal Phantom (Gonzalez Stables)
Barfota N 3.00
topp 3 /teddy
7. Sweden King Titan Micael Stjernström
Breaking Star (Stall Ameste), Legende Larockma (Stall Ameste)
Aluminium N ↑999

The players just had time to make their last bets before the start. All horses seemed to be in good shape this day.

Many drivers had set there mind on a front position this day. Fastest of them all were Matteus. Steel Pirate ended up behind the leader. Wild Pixie got caught on the outside and were forced to take place as first in lane two. Amazing Meadow was to tense at the start and galloped for 10 m.

Matteus was looking sharp this day and continued in the lead.

Wild Pixie looked tired after 1000m but had to keep up the tempo so that Grand Max couldn't come out from behind the leader, Matteus. Steel Pirate was disturbed and galoped 30 m.

Standings after 1500m . Lane one Matteus followed by Grand Max and Steel Pirate. Lane two Wild Pixie followed by King Titan and Amazing Meadow. Steel Pirate galloped for 10 m.

Matteus looked like a million bucks when we commenced the homestretch.

Micael Stjernström tried a little too much on the homestretch and King Titan started to galopp and lost 50 m.

Grand Max made a good sprint on the homestretch and crossed the finishline before Matteus.

1: 1. Sweden Grand Max Fredrik Persson 1,13.3 Järn O 20 000 kr 5.01 2.56
2: 4. Sweden Matteus Roger Malmqvist
Playing Orchid (Stall Alex),
Temporate Fresco (Stall Alex)
1,13.3 Aluminium O 10 000 kr 3.76 2.17
3: 2. Sweden Wild Pixie Anna-Karin Rundqvist
Neon Fabric (Hemlighetsfulla),
Sören Galoppören (Hemlighetsfulla)
1,13.4 Aluminium O 5 000 kr 15.02 5.67
4: 6. Sweden Steel Pirate Claes Sjöström
Grasping Fall (Gonzalez Stables),
Royal Phantom (Gonzalez Stables)
1,15.4g Barfota N 2 800 kr 3.00
5: 5. Sweden Amazing Meadow Jan-Åke Hoas
Glowing Heroine (Stall Giron),
Rhythm Identification (Stall Giron)
1,17.5g Barfota O 1 400 kr 7.51
6: 3. Sweden Backstreet Bob Neng Wanlayaphol
Elvira Opal (Nilssons),
Carlos Gammeldansk (Stall Ameste)
1,20.1 Järn O 800 kr ↑999
7: 7. Sweden King Titan Micael Stjernström
Breaking Star (Stall Ameste),
Legende Larockma (Stall Ameste)
DSQ Aluminium N 0 kr ↑999

Track Conditions: Quite heavy track
Winner Margin: Half a horse
Owner: Savanna, Savanna
Winner Turnover: 1 502 kr
Top Three Turnover: 1 502 kr

Split Times