1. |
His Royal Highness
Anders Lindqvist
O |
103.21 |
chansless /forsth2 |
2. |
Art Director
Bernard Piton
N |
9.32 |
Tror han är med och krigar om segern. /No owner |
3. |
Michel Lenoir
N |
4.33 |
Grym i jobb, platschans om barfota /No owner |
4. |
Mr Bronkz
Pierre Vercruysse
N |
104.16 |
Debut mot eliten och skor, inte chanslös ändå /Buck_Fush |
5. |
Dominiek Locqueneux
N |
2.35 |
6. |
Christophe Gallier
N |
451.37 |
Många bra hästar med i loppet, dålig form. /No owner |
7. |
Jean-Michel Bazire
N |
64.48 |
Börjar komma igång igen, gillar distansen /Buck_Fush |
8. |
Jean-Etienne Dubois
N |
451.37 |
9. |
Chemical Balanced
Jos Verbeeck
N |
7.00 |
Otur med spåret, men allt är som det ska. /No owner |
10. |
Tout De Suite
Yves Dreux
C |
24.18 |
11. |
Domaine Tempier
Jules Lepennetier
N |
451.37 |
Debut i eliten! skitkusk!1,12 tid för pengar,1,10 för vinst /No owner |
12. |
Dominik Cordeau
N |
104.16 |
Tufft emot och ganska medioker häst. Glada för en slant /Soberano |
One after another the horses came out on the track for the obigatory parade. After some warmup the horses lined up behind the car as it began to move down the track.
found a gap and took the lead.
This is the positions after 500m.
started to galop after 500 m and was nearly disqualified.
took the lead rather easily.
galloped way to long and was disqualified.
Standings after 1500m . Lane one
. Lane two
sat safely in the lead after 2000m.
kept a high tempo and was first in on the homestretch.
sprinted away from the rest of the field and won quite easy.
1: |
3. |
Michel Lenoir
1,11.7 |
N |
800 000 kr |
4.33 |
2.75 |
2: |
12. |
Dominik Cordeau
1,11.7 |
N |
400 000 kr |
104.16 |
26.70 |
| PB |
3: |
5. |
Dominiek Locqueneux
1,11.7 |
N |
200 000 kr |
2.35 |
1.54 |
4: |
4. |
Mr Bronkz
Pierre Vercruysse
1,11.9 |
N |
112 000 kr |
104.16 |
| PB |
5: |
7. |
Jean-Michel Bazire
1,12.0g |
N |
56 000 kr |
64.48 |
6: |
2. |
Art Director
Bernard Piton
1,12.0 |
N |
32 000 kr |
9.32 |
7: |
10. |
Tout De Suite
Yves Dreux
1,12.0 |
C |
0 kr |
24.18 |
8: |
8. |
Jean-Etienne Dubois
1,12.3 |
N |
0 kr |
451.37 |
| PB |
9: |
11. |
Domaine Tempier
Jules Lepennetier
1,12.7 |
N |
0 kr |
451.37 |
| PB |
10: |
6. |
Christophe Gallier
1,15.4 |
N |
0 kr |
451.37 |
11: |
1. |
His Royal Highness
Anders Lindqvist
1,15.8 |
O |
0 kr |
103.21 |
12: |
9. |
Chemical Balanced
Jos Verbeeck
N |
0 kr |
7.00 |