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Norway Bergen Brizzle
12:00   4 åriga. Max 5000 kr. 1640m 15 000 kr
12:10   4 åriga. Max 50 000 kr. 1640m 30 000 kr
12:20   5 åriga & äldre. 25 000 -... 2140m 40 000 kr
Sweden Jägersro Sunny
12:00   3 åriga. Max 0 kr. 2140m 5 000 kr
12:10   Alla. Max 50 000 kr. 2640m 20 000 kr
12:20   Alla. Max 75 000 kr. 1640m 50 000 kr
Sweden Lycksele Cloudy
12:00   4 åriga. Max 0 kr. 2640m 5 000 kr
12:10   Stolopp. Max 100 000 kr. 2140m 20 000 kr
12:20   Stolopp. Max 100 000 kr. 1640m 40 000 kr
Sweden Örebro Sunny
12:00   5 åriga & äldre. Max 25 0... 2140m 5 000 kr
12:10   Stolopp. 2640m 30 000 kr
12:20   4 åriga. Max 250 000 kr. 2640m 40 000 kr
12:35   5 åriga & äldre. Max 25 0... 2140m 5 000 kr
Finland Tampere Cloudy
12:00   Stolopp. Max 25 000 kr. 2640m 10 000 kr
12:10   3 åriga. Max 100 000 kr. 2140m 25 000 kr
12:20   Alla. Max 75 000 kr. 1640m 40 000 kr
Sweden Åby Cloudy
19:00   4 åriga. Max 5000 kr. 2640m 5 000 kr
19:10   Max 20 startpoäng 1640m 5 000 kr
19:20   4 åriga. 2140m 25 000 kr
19:30   Alla. 2640m 30 000 kr
19:40   Alla. Max 250 000 kr. 2140m 50 000 kr
19:55   Max 20 startpoäng (2) 1640m 5 000 kr
20:00   Max 20 startpoäng (3) 1640m 5 000 kr
Norway Bergen Brizzle
19:00   4 åriga. Max 5000 kr. 2640m 15 000 kr
19:10   Alla. Max 1 000 000 kr. 2140m 20 000 kr
19:20   Alla. 2140m 50 000 kr
Sweden Hagmyren Sunny
19:00   4 åriga. Max 0 kr. 1640m 10 000 kr
19:10   5 åriga & äldre. Max 50 0... 2640m 20 000 kr
19:20   3 åriga. Max 250 000 kr. 2640m 45 000 kr
Finland Kokemäki Sunny
19:00   4 åriga. Max 10 000 kr. 2640m 5 000 kr
19:10   5 åriga & äldre. Max 250 ... 1640m 25 000 kr
19:20   Alla. Max 75 000 kr. 2140m 45 000 kr
Sweden Solvalla Sunny
19:00   5 åriga & äldre. Max 5000... 2140m 10 000 kr
19:10   3 åriga. Max 0 kr. 2140m 10 000 kr
19:20   Alla. 1640m 25 000 kr
19:30   3 åriga. Max 100 000 kr. 2140m 30 000 kr
19:40   Stolopp. Lägst 25 000 kr 1640m 50 000 kr
19:55   3 åriga. Max 0 kr. (2) 2140m 10 000 kr
Registrations Start List Results Gamble
4 åriga. Max 250 000 kr. (70013)
Sweden  Örebro  2012-05-24

Distance: 2640 m Age/Gender: 4 years old / All
First Prize: 40 000 kr Starting Time: 12:20
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 40 + 516 kr
Max points: - Earnings: max 250 000 kr
Track Conditions: Light Conditions Registration Closes: 2012-05-21 12:20

Start List
1. Sweden Stepping Starlight Håkan Eriksson
Bottle Pop (-), S.p Fort Knox (Stall Festis)
Lätt aluminium N ↑999
2. Sweden Sad Technology Åke Lindblom
Moonlight Heat (Stall Festis), S.p Fort Knox (Stall Festis)
Barfota N 31.36
Tränar på bra. Vann Max 250.000 kr lopp senast. /Andyh99
3. Sweden Flowers Of Life Hans-Owe Sundberg
Figure Of Speech (Mineborg), Honourable Map (Mineborg)
Barfota O 120.62
4. Sweden Starstruck News Ola Samuelsson
Heavenly Flower (Furch), Westfalen Larockma (larockma)
Barfota N 5.23
5. Sweden Sliding Sword Per Lennartsson Barfota N ↑999
6. USA Hunting Summer Rauno Pöllänen
Rainbow Boa (Mattes Stables), Heavy Sword (Mattes Stables)
Barfota N ↑999
7. Sweden Frasses Tjugotredje Jennifer Tillman
In The Clash Of Aons (-), Frasses Femtonde (-)
Barfota O 3.92
8. Ireland Green Örjan Kihlström
Powerful Praities (-), S.p Fort Knox (Stall Festis)
Lätt aluminium N 3.14
Skitspår men lär ha en god chans ändå /No owner
9. Sweden Advanced Moon Carl Sjögren
Golden Girl (-), Conquer The World (-)
Lätt aluminium N 15.68
10. Italy Hiacintas Bakaou Johan Wiman
Rosa Sei Rosso (-), Conquer The World (-)
Barfota N 7.84
Fungerar inte i lopp. Tre raka galopper med 4 i risk. /No owner
11. France Douze Kenneth L T Nilsson Barfota C ↑999
12. Sweden No Guarantee Jari Feodoroff Barfota C ↑999

The sun was shining on Örebro and it was a perfect day for trotting.

One after another the horses came out on the track for the obigatory parade. After some warmup the horses lined up behind the car as it began to move down the track.

Many drivers had set there mind on a front position this day. Fastest of them all were Frasses Tjugotredje. Hiacintas Bakaou ended up behind the leader. Flowers Of Life got caught on the outside and were forced to take place as first in lane two.

Advanced Moon quickly put pressure on the leader and could take the lead after 500m.

The leader got disturbed by something and Douze took the lead rather easily. Advanced Moon galoped after 1000m and lost 40 m.

Frasses Tjugotredje accelerated after 1500m and took the lead. Advanced Moon galloped for 40 m.

Frasses Tjugotredje kept the speed up and no one had a chance to take over the lead. Douze was disturbed and gallopped for 30 m.

With only a little left of the race Sad Technology galoped for 50 m. Frasses Tjugotredje kept a high tempo and was first in on the homestretch.

Final standings. 1 Hiacintas Bakaou, 2 Frasses Tjugotredje, 3 Hunting Summer.

1: 10. Italy Hiacintas Bakaou Johan Wiman
Rosa Sei Rosso (-),
Conquer The World (-)
1,11.4 Barfota N 40 000 kr 7.84 3.53 PB
2: 7. Sweden Frasses Tjugotredje Jennifer Tillman
In The Clash Of Aons (-),
Frasses Femtonde (-)
1,11.5 Barfota O 20 000 kr 3.92 2.27
3: 6. USA Hunting Summer Rauno Pöllänen
Rainbow Boa (Mattes Stables),
Heavy Sword (Mattes Stables)
1,11.6 Barfota N 10 000 kr ↑999 507.00 PB
4: 5. Sweden Sliding Sword Per Lennartsson 1,11.6 Barfota N 5 600 kr ↑999
5: 3. Sweden Flowers Of Life Hans-Owe Sundberg
Figure Of Speech (Mineborg),
Honourable Map (Mineborg)
1,11.8 Barfota O 2 800 kr 120.62 PB
6: 12. Sweden No Guarantee Jari Feodoroff 1,11.8 Barfota C 1 600 kr ↑999 PB
7: 4. Sweden Starstruck News Ola Samuelsson
Heavenly Flower (Furch),
Westfalen Larockma (larockma)
1,11.8 Barfota N 0 kr 5.23 PB
8: 2. Sweden Sad Technology Åke Lindblom
Moonlight Heat (Stall Festis),
S.p Fort Knox (Stall Festis)
1,13.0g Barfota N 0 kr 31.36 PB
9: 11. France Douze Kenneth L T Nilsson 1,13.2g Barfota C 0 kr ↑999
10: 8. Ireland Green Örjan Kihlström
Powerful Praities (-),
S.p Fort Knox (Stall Festis)
1,13.6 Lätt aluminium N 0 kr 3.14
11: 9. Sweden Advanced Moon Carl Sjögren
Golden Girl (-),
Conquer The World (-)
1,13.7g Lätt aluminium N 0 kr 15.68
12: 1. Sweden Stepping Starlight Håkan Eriksson
Bottle Pop (-),
S.p Fort Knox (Stall Festis)
1,17.6 Lätt aluminium N 0 kr ↑999

Track Conditions: Light Conditions
Winner Margin: 0 horses
Owner: -, No owner
Winner Turnover: 1 568 kr
Top Three Turnover: 1 519 kr

Split Times