1. |
Uvìznit Do Ráj
Tim Tetrick
Množství (Losser),
Strategy (Losser)
N |
9.51 |
slåss om segern, om banan blir torr /Losser |
2. |
Burn The Cash
Jomar Blekkan
N |
↑999 |
3. |
Inka Flower
Jörgen Sjunnesson
C |
↑999 |
Utfyllnad /POWC |
4. |
Yupiter De Suite
Torbjörn Jansson
Binary (-),
Tout De Suite (Spanarn Trotters)
O |
11.41 |
Stor galopprisk /spanarn |
5. |
Ruud Pools
Baby Love (Mupparna),
The Final Frontier (Stall Lauvin)
N |
↑999 |
stort att få vara med!ökar ruud formen kan hon överraska,trivs på tung /Lecavalier |
6. |
Being Boiled
Mark MacDonald
N |
11.41 |
Vinna känns tufft, men har potential. Kusken oroar lite. /simon_81 |
7. |
Limerick Rake
Heinz Wewering
Dove Lover (Stall Folklore),
Conquer The World (-)
C |
8.15 |
Ingen supertalang men har gjort det bra. Vid regn kan han knipa en fin peng. /Medeltid |
8. |
Slowroller Cherry
Peter Untersteiner
N |
↑999 |
Föddes med 1 i styrka och snabbhet. Har gjort ett makalöst jobb som kommit hit. /Cherry |
9. |
Rhapsody In Blue
Per Oleg Midtfjeld
N |
4.39 |
Har börjat fattat vad det handlar om. både stark o snabb /mickeel |
10. |
Samuraj Steel
Kerryn Manning
N |
14.26 |
Hade gärna sett ännu mer vatten. Tar rygg på 11:an på bortre lång.. /No owner |
11. |
John Campbell
Giggle (Labyrinth),
Creeping Mind (Labyrinth)
O |
11.41 |
John får fortsatt förtroende. /Venice |
12. |
Achtung Baby
Hugo Jr Langeweg
Aufgekratzt Schürfen (The winner stabble),
Elephant Larockma (Hoof Beats)
N |
4.75 |
Fin i kvalet, usel position men skall passas. /JontePuma |
The players just had time to make their last bets before the start. All horses seemed to be in good shape this day.
could eventually take the lead after a very dramatic start.
quickly put pressure on the leader and could take the lead after 500m.
clinged on to the lead after a 1000m.
today. It continued in the lead.
galloped way to long and was disqualified.
was still in the lead after 2000m.
was disturbed and gallopped for 20 m.
was disturbed and galopped for 30 m.
sat safely in the lead when they started the homestretch.
galopped for 20 m on the homestretch.
came in second.
caught third place.
1: |
9. |
Rhapsody In Blue
Per Oleg Midtfjeld
1,12.6 |
N |
1 000 000 kr |
4.39 |
1.82 |
 | PB |
2: |
11. |
John Campbell
Giggle (Labyrinth),
Creeping Mind (Labyrinth)
1,12.6 |
O |
500 000 kr |
11.41 |
2.80 |
| PB |
3: |
10. |
Samuraj Steel
Kerryn Manning
1,12.6 |
N |
250 000 kr |
14.26 |
5.60 |
4: |
2. |
Burn The Cash
Jomar Blekkan
1,12.7 |
N |
140 000 kr |
↑999 |
| PB |
5: |
12. |
Achtung Baby
Hugo Jr Langeweg
Aufgekratzt Schürfen (The winner stabble),
Elephant Larockma (Hoof Beats)
1,12.7 |
N |
70 000 kr |
4.75 |
6: |
7. |
Limerick Rake
Heinz Wewering
Dove Lover (Stall Folklore),
Conquer The World (-)
1,12.8 |
C |
40 000 kr |
8.15 |
| PB |
7: |
4. |
Yupiter De Suite
Torbjörn Jansson
Binary (-),
Tout De Suite (Spanarn Trotters)
1,13.3g |
O |
0 kr |
11.41 |
| PB |
8: |
1. |
Uvìznit Do Ráj
Tim Tetrick
Množství (Losser),
Strategy (Losser)
1,14.0 |
N |
0 kr |
9.51 |
9: |
5. |
Ruud Pools
Baby Love (Mupparna),
The Final Frontier (Stall Lauvin)
1,14.4 |
N |
0 kr |
↑999 |
10: |
3. |
Inka Flower
Jörgen Sjunnesson
1,14.5 |
C |
0 kr |
↑999 |
11: |
6. |
Being Boiled
Mark MacDonald
N |
0 kr |
11.41 |
12: |
8. |
Slowroller Cherry
Peter Untersteiner
N |
0 kr |
↑999 |