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Sweden Åby Cloudy
12:00   Alla. Max 5000 kr. 2140m 5 000 kr
12:10   Alla. Max 75 000 kr. 2140m 30 000 kr
12:20   Alla. Max 100 000 kr. 2140m 40 000 kr
Norway Bjerke Cloudy
12:00   3 åriga. Max 10 000 kr. 2140m 15 000 kr
12:10   4 åriga. Max 50 000 kr. 2140m 20 000 kr
12:20   5 åriga & äldre. Max 250 ... 1640m 50 000 kr
Sweden Bollnäs Snowing
12:00   3 åriga. Max 10 000 kr. 2140m 10 000 kr
12:10   5 åriga & äldre. Max 50 0... 2140m 30 000 kr
12:20   Stolopp. Lägst 25 000 kr 1640m 50 000 kr
12:35   3 åriga. Max 10 000 kr. (2) 2140m 10 000 kr
Finland Pihtipudas Cloudy
12:00   Alla. Max 5000 kr. 2140m 15 000 kr
12:10   3 åriga. Max 250 000 kr. 2140m 20 000 kr
12:20   4 åriga. Lägst 25 000 kr 2140m 45 000 kr
Sweden Umåker Sunny
12:00   Stolopp. Max 25 000 kr. 2640m 5 000 kr
12:10   3 åriga. Max 250 000 kr. 1640m 20 000 kr
12:20   5 åriga & äldre. 25 000 -... 2140m 50 000 kr
France Jallais Sunny
13:00   France Le Grande 1609m 150 000 kr
Sweden Jägersro Sunny
19:00   Alla. Max 5000 kr. 2140m 15 000 kr
19:10   3 åriga. Max 0 kr. 2140m 5 000 kr
19:20   Alla. 2640m 20 000 kr
19:30   4 åriga. Max 50 000 kr. 1640m 20 000 kr
19:40   5 åriga & äldre. Max 50 0... 2140m 50 000 kr
Norway Momarken Sunny
19:00   Alla. Max 10 000 kr. 2140m 10 000 kr
19:10   3 åriga. Max 250 000 kr. 2640m 20 000 kr
19:20   5 åriga & äldre. Max 50 0... 2140m 40 000 kr
Sweden Örebro Sunny
19:00   Alla. Max 5000 kr. 1640m 15 000 kr
19:10   4 åriga. Max 0 kr. 2640m 15 000 kr
19:20   Alla. Max 500 000 kr. 2140m 30 000 kr
19:30   Alla. Max 250 000 kr. 1640m 25 000 kr
19:40   Alla. 1640m 40 000 kr
19:55   Alla. Max 5000 kr. (2) 1640m 15 000 kr
20:00   Alla. Max 5000 kr. (3) 1640m 15 000 kr
Sweden Oviken Raining
19:00   Max 10 startpoäng 1640m 10 000 kr
19:10   Alla. Max 100 000 kr. 2140m 25 000 kr
19:20   Alla. Max 250 000 kr. 1640m 50 000 kr
19:35   Max 10 startpoäng (2) 1640m 10 000 kr
19:50   Max 10 startpoäng (3) 1640m 10 000 kr
Finland Seinäjoki Sunny
19:00   Alla. Max 25 000 kr. 2640m 5 000 kr
19:10   Stolopp. Max 100 000 kr. 2140m 20 000 kr
19:20   Alla. Max 50 000 kr. 1640m 40 000 kr
Registrations Start List Results Gamble
Alla. Max 50 000 kr. (56745)
Finland  Seinäjoki  2011-06-14

Distance: 1640 m Age/Gender: 3-12 years / All
First Prize: 40 000 kr Starting Time: 19:20
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 40 + 3 162 kr
Max points: - Earnings: max 50 000 kr
Track Conditions: Light Conditions Registration Closes: 2011-06-11 19:20

Start List
1. Sweden Powerful Runner Mauri Jaara Barfota N 7.54
2. USA Riot Girl Seppo Markkula
Metal Bird (GulSvart), Bray (GulSvart)
Barfota C ↑999
Det lossnar inte riktigt /B_Good
3. USA Pinstrip´s Canepa Akseli Lahtinen
Miss World (-), Purgatory (Stall Lauvin)
Barfota N 5.02
borde snart vara dags för första segern /daddyy
4. Sweden Awesome Fast Ari Moilanen Barfota N 3.77
5. Sweden Heavy Box Heikki Hietanen
Amazing Love (Dynamit), S.p Fort Knox (Stall Festis)
Lätt aluminium O ↑999
6. Sweden Rage In Eden Ari Hartikainen Barfota N 3.01
7. Sweden The Classic Veli-Erkki Paavola
Golden Starshine (-), Conquer The World (-)
Barfota N 15.07
8. Denmark En Kold Tid Jukka-Pekka Kauhanen
Sjælden Retur (-), Your Worst Enemy (Hoof Beats)
Barfota O ↑999
9. Sweden Stige2 Antti Teivainen
Flickering Thinker (-), Purgatory (Stall Lauvin)
Barfota O ↑999
10. Sweden Perfect Silverheart Tapio Perttunen Lätt aluminium C ↑999
11. Sweden Pure Ivory Kaarlo Ahokas Barfota N ↑999
12. France Au Velo Juha Länsimäki
Fille Du Bordeux (stall mälarkusar ab), Champion Leader (stall mälarkusar ab)
Järn O ↑999

It had been raining for several days at Seinäjoki but the sun was shining this day a the track was in good shape.

The players just had time to make their last bets before the start. All horses seemed to be in good shape this day.

Many drivers had set there mind on a front position this day. Fastest of them all were Rage In Eden. Perfect Silverheart ended up behind the leader. Pinstrip´s Canepa got caught on the outside and were forced to take place as first in lane two. En Kold Tid was to tense at the start and galloped for 10 m.

En Kold Tid saw it's chance when the leader lost tempo and took the lead. A bird flew just in front of Unknown who started to galop and lost 50 m. A bird flew just in front of Heavy Box who started to galop and lost 20 m.

Pinstrip´s Canepa looked tired after 1000m but had to keep up the tempo so that Pure Ivory couldn't come out from behind the leader, En Kold Tid. Unknown suddenly made a bad step, started to galop and lost 40 m. Unknown galloped way to long and was disqualified. Stige2 suddenly made a bad step, started to galop and lost 40 m.

With only a little left of the race En Kold Tid galoped for 10 m. Perfect Silverheart looked tired after 1000m but had to keep up the tempo so that Awesome Fast couldn't come out from behind the leader, En Kold Tid.

Perfect Silverheart sprinted away from the rest of the field and won quite easy.

1: 10. Sweden Perfect Silverheart Tapio Perttunen 1,09.9 Lätt aluminium C 40 000 kr ↑999 403.33 PB
2: 4. Sweden Awesome Fast Ari Moilanen 1,10.0 Barfota N 20 000 kr 3.77 2.01
3: 3. USA Pinstrip´s Canepa Akseli Lahtinen
Miss World (-),
Purgatory (Stall Lauvin)
1,10.0 Barfota N 10 000 kr 5.02 2.34
4: 6. Sweden Rage In Eden Ari Hartikainen 1,10.0 Barfota N 5 600 kr 3.01 PB
5: 1. Sweden Powerful Runner Mauri Jaara 1,10.3 Barfota N 2 800 kr 7.54
6: 8. Denmark En Kold Tid Jukka-Pekka Kauhanen
Sjælden Retur (-),
Your Worst Enemy (Hoof Beats)
1,10.3g Barfota O 1 600 kr ↑999 PB
7: 11. Sweden Pure Ivory Kaarlo Ahokas 1,10.5 Barfota N 0 kr ↑999 PB
8: 7. Sweden The Classic Veli-Erkki Paavola
Golden Starshine (-),
Conquer The World (-)
1,10.6 Barfota N 0 kr 15.07 PB
9: 2. USA Riot Girl Seppo Markkula
Metal Bird (GulSvart),
Bray (GulSvart)
1,12.6 Barfota C 0 kr ↑999
10: 5. Sweden Heavy Box Heikki Hietanen
Amazing Love (Dynamit),
S.p Fort Knox (Stall Festis)
1,12.6g Lätt aluminium O 0 kr ↑999
11: 9. Sweden Stige2 Antti Teivainen
Flickering Thinker (-),
Purgatory (Stall Lauvin)
1,14.8g Barfota O 0 kr ↑999
12: 12. France Au Velo Juha Länsimäki
Fille Du Bordeux (stall mälarkusar ab),
Champion Leader (stall mälarkusar ab)
1,14.9 Järn O 0 kr ↑999 PB

Track Conditions: Light Conditions
Winner Margin: 0 horses
Owner: Mupparna, Lecavalier
Winner Turnover: 1 507 kr
Top Three Turnover: 1 507 kr

Split Times