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Sweden Axevalla Raining
12:00   Provlopp 2140m 0 kr
12:15   Provlopp (2) 2140m 0 kr
12:30   Provlopp (3) 2140m 0 kr
12:45   Provlopp (4) 2140m 0 kr
Sweden Axevalla Raining
12:00   B-lopp 1640m 2 000 kr
12:15   B-lopp (2) 1640m 2 000 kr
12:30   B-lopp (3) 1640m 2 000 kr
12:45   B-lopp (4) 1640m 2 000 kr
13:00   B-lopp (5) 1640m 2 000 kr
13:15   B-lopp (6) 1640m 2 000 kr
13:30   B-lopp (7) 1640m 2 000 kr
Norway Bjerke Cloudy
12:00   Provlopp 2140m 0 kr
Norway Jarlsberg Cloudy
12:00   B-lopp 2640m 2 000 kr
Finland Kalajoki Sunny
12:00   Provlopp 2140m 0 kr
Finland Kemijärvi Cloudy
12:00   B-lopp 2140m 2 000 kr
12:15   B-lopp (2) 2140m 2 000 kr
Sweden Mantorp Cloudy
12:00   Provlopp 1640m 0 kr
12:15   Provlopp (2) 1640m 0 kr
12:30   Provlopp (3) 1640m 0 kr
12:45   Provlopp (4) 1640m 0 kr
13:00   Provlopp (5) 1640m 0 kr
Sweden Romme Sunny
12:00   B-lopp 2140m 2 000 kr
12:15   B-lopp (2) 2140m 2 000 kr
12:30   B-lopp (3) 2140m 2 000 kr
12:45   B-lopp (4) 2140m 2 000 kr
13:00   B-lopp (5) 2140m 2 000 kr
13:15   B-lopp (6) 2140m 2 000 kr
Sweden Solänget Cloudy
12:00   B-lopp 2140m 2 000 kr
12:15   B-lopp (2) 2140m 2 000 kr
12:30   B-lopp (3) 2140m 2 000 kr
Sweden Solänget Cloudy
12:00   Provlopp 2140m 0 kr
12:15   Provlopp (2) 2140m 0 kr
Sweden Åby Cloudy
14:00   Klass Alfa 2640m 60 000 kr
14:10   Klass Beta 1640m 70 000 kr
14:20   Klass Gamma 2140m 80 000 kr
14:30   Klass Delta 2640m 90 000 kr
14:40   Klass Epsilon 1640m 100 000 kr
Sweden Östersund Brizzle
14:00   Klass Alfa 1640m 60 000 kr
14:10   Klass Beta 2140m 70 000 kr
14:20   Klass Gamma 1640m 80 000 kr
14:30   Klass Delta 2140m 90 000 kr
14:40   Klass Epsilon 2140m 100 000 kr
Sweden Rättvik Sunny
14:00   Klass Alfa 1640m 60 000 kr
14:10   Klass Beta 1640m 70 000 kr
14:20   Klass Gamma 2140m 80 000 kr
14:30   Klass Delta 2640m 90 000 kr
14:40   Klass Epsilon 2140m 100 000 kr
France Vincennes Snowing
16:00   Grand Prix Bon Bon 2700m 800 000 kr
Registrations Start List Results Gamble
Klass Delta (45679)
Sweden  Rättvik  2010-10-10

Distance: 2640 m Age/Gender: 6-8 years / All
First Prize: 90 000 kr Starting Time: 14:30
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 90 + 650 kr
Max points: - Earnings: min 100 000 kr
Track Conditions: Light Conditions Registration Closes: 2010-10-07 14:30

Start List
1. Sweden Intelligent Boulder Håkan Eriksson
Tactical Success (-), Liverpool Rules (-)
Barfota O 5.02
2. France Lyon Trucker John Byström Barfota C 3.77
3. Sweden Race The Dream Leif Witasp Barfota C ↑999
4. Sweden Rainmaker Kent P Gustavsson Lätt aluminium N ↑999
Får lita till turen här, hoppas på kuskformsökning. /lauvin
5. Sweden Funky Witch Erik Lindegren Barfota O 15.07
Platschans /No owner
6. Sweden Kingda Ka Hans R Strömberg Guld N ↑999
7. Sweden Halleluja Heaven Carl-Erik Lindblom Lätt aluminium N ↑999
Allt bättre.... Kan ta en slant. /monopol
8. Sweden Maximum Dedication Kajsa Frick Lätt aluminium N ↑999
Tufft inne i loppet. Hästen har bra form. Ökar Kajsas fom så.... /monopol
9. Sweden Tricky Tha Monster Bengt-Erik Olsson Barfota N 7.54
10. Sweden Calming Muscle Åke Sundberg Järn O ↑999
11. Sweden Sad Tiger Fredrik Linder
Amazing Queen (-), Brave Knight (-)
Lätt aluminium N 3.01
12. Sweden Strong Runner Mikael Lindmark Barfota O ↑999
Borde kunnat bättre senast. Platschans om felfri. /Medeltid

One after another the horses came out on the track for the obigatory parade. After some warmup the horses lined up behind the car as it began to move down the track.

Many drivers had set there mind on a front position this day. Fastest of them all were Lyon Trucker. Rainmaker ended up behind the leader. Funky Witch got caught on the outside and were forced to take place as first in lane two.

Halleluja Heaven quickly put pressure on the leader and could take the lead after 500m.

Rainmaker took the lead after 1000m. Strong Runner didn't have a good time being caught on the outside.

Strong Runner accelerated after 1500m and took the lead.

Funky Witch took the lead. Unknown gallopped 50 m after 2000m. Strong Runner gallopped 30 m after 2000m. Rainmaker was disturbed and gallopped for 10 m. Maximum Dedication was disturbed and gallopped for 50 m.

Funky Witch looked like a million bucks when we commenced the homestretch.

Maximum Dedication was disturbed and galopped for 50 m.

Funky Witch didn't even look tired on the homestretch and won the race.

1: 5. Sweden Funky Witch Erik Lindegren 1,11.1 Barfota O 90 000 kr 15.07 5.02
2: 2. France Lyon Trucker John Byström 1,11.2 Barfota C 45 000 kr 3.77 2.01 PB
3: 1. Sweden Intelligent Boulder Håkan Eriksson
Tactical Success (-),
Liverpool Rules (-)
1,11.3 Barfota O 22 500 kr 5.02 2.34 PB
4: 4. Sweden Rainmaker Kent P Gustavsson 1,11.6g Lätt aluminium N 12 600 kr ↑999
5: 12. Sweden Strong Runner Mikael Lindmark 1,11.7g Barfota O 6 300 kr ↑999
6: 9. Sweden Tricky Tha Monster Bengt-Erik Olsson 1,11.9 Barfota N 3 600 kr 7.54
7: 7. Sweden Halleluja Heaven Carl-Erik Lindblom 1,12.3 Lätt aluminium N 0 kr ↑999
8: 3. Sweden Race The Dream Leif Witasp 1,12.3 Barfota C 0 kr ↑999
9: 6. Sweden Kingda Ka Hans R Strömberg 1,13.1 Guld N 0 kr ↑999
10: 11. Sweden Sad Tiger Fredrik Linder
Amazing Queen (-),
Brave Knight (-)
1,13.2 Lätt aluminium N 0 kr 3.01
11: 10. Sweden Calming Muscle Åke Sundberg 1,14.8 Järn O 0 kr ↑999
12: 8. Sweden Maximum Dedication Kajsa Frick 1,15.2g Lätt aluminium N 0 kr ↑999

Track Conditions: Light Conditions
Winner Margin: One horselength
Owner: No owner, Medeltid
Winner Turnover: 1 507 kr
Top Three Turnover: 1 507 kr

Split Times