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Sweden Hoting Snowing
14:00   Klass III. Försök 2. De f... 1640m 75 000 kr
14:20   Klass II. Försök 2. De fy... 2640m 100 000 kr
14:40   Klass I. Försök 2. De fyr... 2140m 125 000 kr
15:00   Diamant. Stoeliten. Försö... 2640m 200 000 kr
15:20   Brons. Försök 2. De fyra ... 2140m 150 000 kr
15:40   Silver. Försök 2. De fyra... 2140m 200 000 kr
16:00   Guld. Försök 2. De fyra f... 2140m 300 000 kr
Registrations Start List Results Gamble
Klass I. Försök 2. De fyra främsta är kvalificerade för finalen 2010-07-17. (41242)
Sweden  Hoting  2010-07-03 Klass I 2010-07-17

Distance: 2140 m Age/Gender: 3-12 years / All
First Prize: 125 000 kr Starting Time: 14:40
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 125 + 1 850 kr
Max points: - Earnings: 150 000-500 000 kr
Track Conditions: Light Conditions Registration Closes: 2010-06-30 14:40

Start List
1. USA Inverse Matrix Joakim Lövgren
Maricopa (Mupparna), Steel Devil (Mupparna)
Barfota N 5.61
2. Sweden Shooting Platinum Olle Goop Barfota O 9.92
3. Sweden Tabasco Boko Björn Goop Lätt aluminium O 119.00
Tränarmiss senast och hästen är helt ursäktad. Bättre nu. /No owner
4. Sweden Mainstay Boy Tom Horpestad
Flowering Cherry (-), Brave Knight (-)
Barfota N 9.15
5. Sweden Portable Hero Erik Adielsson Barfota C 297.50
6. Sweden Quattro Boy Toy Åke Svanstedt Barfota N 37.19
är en bra häst i grunden har kapacitet har inte startat på länge behöver loppet. /No owner
7. Sweden Sid Vicious Johnny Takter Barfota O 6.61
8. Sweden Harlequin Incognito Örjan Kihlström
Shinobi (Hoof Beats), Viking Mafia (Hoof Beats)
Lätt aluminium O 17.00
9. France Souris Jan Norberg Barfota C 22.88
10. Sweden Pointing Cookie Bo Eklöf
Queen Of Universe (-), No Way Jose (Spanarn Trotters)
Barfota O 14.88
11. Sweden Disconnect Carl-Erik Lindblom
Wondering Garden (Stall Näset), Great Horsetail (Stall Näset)
Barfota N 29.75
Hårt emot och tufft läge. Svårt vinna denna gången men kanske plats om klaff /Soberano
12. Sweden Klöver Tre Per Lennartsson Barfota N 4.58
Tror på bra chans /No owner

The players just had time to make their last bets before the start. All horses seemed to be in good shape this day.

Many drivers had set there mind on a front position this day. Fastest of them all were Shooting Platinum. Inverse Matrix ended up behind the leader. Souris got caught on the outside and were forced to take place as first in lane two. Quattro Boy Toy was to tense at the start and galloped for 10 m.

Pointing Cookie quickly put pressure on the leader and could take the lead after 500m.

The leader got disturbed by something and Sid Vicious took the lead rather easily.

Klöver Tre saw a chanche when the tempo dropped and could easilytake the lead.

With only a little left of the race Klöver Tre galoped for 50 m. Shooting Platinum speeded up in the last bend and was first on the homestretch.

Klöver Tre was disturbed and galopped for 20 m.

Final standings. 1 Pointing Cookie, 2 Shooting Platinum, 3 Sid Vicious.

1: 10. Sweden Pointing Cookie Bo Eklöf
Queen Of Universe (-),
No Way Jose (Spanarn Trotters)
1,09.9 Barfota O 125 000 kr 14.88 5.21 PB
2: 2. Sweden Shooting Platinum Olle Goop 1,09.9 Barfota O 62 500 kr 9.92 3.81 PB
3: 7. Sweden Sid Vicious Johnny Takter 1,10.1 Barfota O 31 250 kr 6.61 2.87 PB
4: 11. Sweden Disconnect Carl-Erik Lindblom
Wondering Garden (Stall Näset),
Great Horsetail (Stall Näset)
1,10.1 Barfota N 17 500 kr 29.75 PB
5: 9. France Souris Jan Norberg 1,10.3 Barfota C 8 750 kr 22.88
6: 1. USA Inverse Matrix Joakim Lövgren
Maricopa (Mupparna),
Steel Devil (Mupparna)
1,10.9 Barfota N 5 000 kr 5.61
7: 4. Sweden Mainstay Boy Tom Horpestad
Flowering Cherry (-),
Brave Knight (-)
1,11.0 Barfota N 0 kr 9.15 PB
8: 6. Sweden Quattro Boy Toy Åke Svanstedt 1,11.0g Barfota N 0 kr 37.19
9: 3. Sweden Tabasco Boko Björn Goop 1,11.3 Lätt aluminium O 0 kr 119.00 PB
10: 5. Sweden Portable Hero Erik Adielsson 1,11.4 Barfota C 0 kr 297.50
11: 8. Sweden Harlequin Incognito Örjan Kihlström
Shinobi (Hoof Beats),
Viking Mafia (Hoof Beats)
1,11.5 Lätt aluminium O 0 kr 17.00
12: 12. Sweden Klöver Tre Per Lennartsson DSQ Barfota N 0 kr 4.58

Track Conditions: Light Conditions
Winner Margin: One horselength
Owner: -, No owner
Winner Turnover: 5 950 kr
Top Three Turnover: 5 950 kr

Split Times