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Sweden Axevalla Sunny
12:00   Stolopp. Max 0 kr. 2140m 5 000 kr
12:15   Stolopp. Max 0 kr. (2) 2140m 5 000 kr
12:30   Stolopp. Max 0 kr. (3) 2140m 5 000 kr
Sweden Dannero Brizzle
12:00   4 åriga. Max 5000 kr. 2140m 5 000 kr
Sweden Solvalla Brizzle
12:00   4 åriga. Max 0 kr. 2640m 10 000 kr
12:15   4 åriga. Max 0 kr. (2) 2640m 10 000 kr
12:30   4 åriga. Max 0 kr. (3) 2640m 10 000 kr
Sweden Gävle Sunny
19:00   Alla. Max 5000 kr. 1640m 10 000 kr
19:10   Max 5 startpoäng 1640m 10 000 kr
19:20   Alla. Max 100 000 kr. 2140m 30 000 kr
19:30   5 åriga & äldre. Max 250 ... 2140m 40 000 kr
19:45   Alla. Max 5000 kr. (2) 1640m 10 000 kr
20:00   Alla. Max 5000 kr. (3) 1640m 10 000 kr
20:15   Max 5 startpoäng (2) 1640m 10 000 kr
20:30   Max 5 startpoäng (3) 1640m 10 000 kr
Sweden Hagmyren Cloudy
19:00   Alla. Max 0 kr. 2140m 15 000 kr
19:10   3 åriga. Max 100 000 kr. 1640m 30 000 kr
19:20   Stolopp. Max 250 000 kr. 2140m 50 000 kr
19:35   Alla. Max 0 kr. (2) 2140m 15 000 kr
19:50   Alla. Max 0 kr. (3) 2140m 15 000 kr
Sweden Tingsryd Brizzle
19:00   3 åriga. Max 5000 kr. 2140m 15 000 kr
19:10   Max 0 startpoäng 2140m 10 000 kr
19:20   Alla. Max 1 000 000 kr. 1640m 20 000 kr
19:30   Alla. Max 250 000 kr. 1640m 40 000 kr
19:45   Max 0 startpoäng (2) 2140m 10 000 kr
20:00   Max 0 startpoäng (3) 2140m 10 000 kr
Registrations Start List Results Gamble
Max 0 startpoäng (3803)
Sweden  Tingsryd  2008-01-18

Distance: 2140 m Age/Gender: 3-12 years / All
First Prize: 10 000 kr Starting Time: 19:10
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 10 + 1 074 kr
Max points: 0 Earnings: All
Track Conditions: Light Conditions Registration Closes: 2008-01-15 19:10

Start List
1. France Les Tranche Johnny Takter Järn O 9.72
2. France Rêveur Seul Jörgen Sjunnesson Järn O 30.22
3. USA Red Hawk Tommy Zackrisson Barfota O 30.22
Kan säkert vara med där framme om han ej galopperar! ;) /Andynalan
4. Sweden Speedy Conqeeur Fredrik Persson Järn O ↑999
5. Sweden Space Agent Thomas Uhrberg Barfota C 4.95
6. USA Easy To Survive Erik Adielsson Järn O 2.16
7. Sweden Local Hero Conrad Lugauer Aluminium N 6.04
8. Sweden Full Controll Frank Mikkelsen Järn N ↑999

One after another the horses came out on the track for the obigatory parade. After some warmup the horses lined up behind the car as it began to move down the track.

Many drivers had set there mind on a front position this day. Fastest of them all were Space Agent. Les Tranche ended up behind the leader. Red Hawk got caught on the outside and were forced to take place as first in lane two.

This is the positions after 500m. Les Tranche, Red Hawk, Space Agent, Rêveur Seul, Full Controll, Local Hero, Easy To Survive, Speedy Conqeeur.

Space Agent sprinted past the competitors and took over the lead.

Standings after 1500m . Lane one Space Agent followed by Les Tranche and Red Hawk. Lane two Rêveur Seul followed by Local Hero and Easy To Survive. Red Hawk started to gallop after 1500m and Tommy Zackrisson had to struggle to get it back in trotting.

Speedy Conqeeur galloped for 60m and was disqualified. Rêveur Seul speeded up in the last bend and was first on the homestretch.

Local Hero won the race after a spectacular finish.

1: 7. Sweden Local Hero Conrad Lugauer 1,13.5 Aluminium N 10 000 kr 6.04 1.94 TR
2: 2. France Rêveur Seul Jörgen Sjunnesson 1,13.6 Järn O 5 000 kr 30.22 5.70 PB
3: 5. Sweden Space Agent Thomas Uhrberg 1,13.6 Barfota C 2 500 kr 4.95 2.14 PB
4: 1. France Les Tranche Johnny Takter 1,14.0 Järn O 1 400 kr 9.72 PB
5: 6. USA Easy To Survive Erik Adielsson 1,16.2 Järn O 700 kr 2.16
6: 3. USA Red Hawk Tommy Zackrisson 1,16.2g Barfota O 400 kr 30.22 PB
7: 8. Sweden Full Controll Frank Mikkelsen 1,16.5 Järn N 0 kr ↑999 PB
8: 4. Sweden Speedy Conqeeur Fredrik Persson DSQ Järn O 0 kr ↑999 PB

Track Conditions: Light Conditions
Winner Margin: Half a horse
Owner: No owner, No owner
Winner Turnover: 3 022 kr
Top Three Turnover: 1 822 kr

Split Times