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Sweden Halmstad Snowing
14:00   Klass III. Försök 2. De f... 2140m 75 000 kr
14:20   Klass II. Försök 2. De fy... 2140m 100 000 kr
14:40   Klass I. Försök 2. De fyr... 1640m 125 000 kr
15:00   Diamant. Stoeliten. Försö... 1640m 200 000 kr
15:20   Brons. Försök 2. De fyra ... 2140m 150 000 kr
15:40   Silver. Försök 2. De fyra... 2140m 200 000 kr
16:00   Guld. Försök 2. De fyra f... 2640m 300 000 kr
Registrations Start List Results Gamble
Brons. Försök 2. De fyra främsta är kvalificerade för finalen 2010-01-30. (34466)
Sweden  Halmstad  2010-01-16 Brons 2010-01-30

Distance: 2140 m Age/Gender: 3-12 years / All
First Prize: 150 000 kr Starting Time: 15:20
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 150 + 790 kr
Max points: - Earnings: 400 000-900 000 kr
Track Conditions: Light Conditions Registration Closes: 2010-01-13 15:20

Start List
1. Sweden Cartoon Figure Fred Per Linderoth Barfota C 9.01
2. Sweden Puma Larockma Leif Witasp Barfota N 4.81
Hoppas på en framskjuten placering /larockma
3. Sweden Mac Cheek Thomas Uhrberg Lätt aluminium N 48.05
4. Sweden Dynamit Björn Goop Lätt aluminium O 8.01
5. Sweden T.N.T Jörgen Sjunnesson Barfota N 4.81
fin chans... /No owner
6. Russia Kiryukhin Per Lennartsson
Sjalgatjova (-), Flying Empire (-)
Barfota C 36.04
coachmiss förra helgen utan order....öser för fullt nu!inte helt borta /No owner
7. Sweden Falling Scout Conrad Lugauer
Crazy For Pearls (Stall Fight.C.A), Dance Of Death (Stall Lauvin)
Barfota C 17.16
8. Sweden Prince Of Sharpness Tom Horpestad Barfota N 7.21
9. Sweden Power Night Erik Adielsson Lätt aluminium O 327.64
10. Sweden Running Through Fire Ulf Ohlsson Barfota N 14.42
strålande i travzonen open, blandar och ger.. /No owner
11. Sweden Damjon Kronos Peter Untersteiner Barfota N 62.14
Debut hos mig, ska greja en finalbiljett. /No owner
12. Sweden Fighting Missile Stefan Persson Lätt aluminium N 72.08
En grym kapaccitetet har denna herre, ses med goda chanser för vinnst! /No owner

One after another the horses came out on the track for the obigatory parade. After some warmup the horses lined up behind the car as it began to move down the track.

Puma Larockma found a gap and took the lead. Cartoon Figure Fred followed before Fighting Missile.

The leader couldn't hold the lead and Dynamit sprinted to the front. Falling Scout was disturbed and galoped 20 m.

T.N.T sprinted past it's competitors after a 1000m and took the lead.

Cartoon Figure Fred accelerated after 1500m and took the lead.

Power Night was disturbed and galopped for 50 m. Cartoon Figure Fred sat safely in the lead when they started the homestretch.

The spectators cheered much on the homestretch and probably caused Prince Of Sharpness galop. Prince Of Sharpness lost 10 m. Leif Witasp tried a little too much on the homestretch and Puma Larockma started to galopp and lost 30 m.

Cartoon Figure Fred kept the speed the whole finish and won before Fighting Missile and Running Through Fire.

1: 1. Sweden Cartoon Figure Fred Per Linderoth 1,10.0 Barfota C 150 000 kr 9.01 3.21
2: 12. Sweden Fighting Missile Stefan Persson 1,10.1 Lätt aluminium N 75 000 kr 72.08 18.66
3: 10. Sweden Running Through Fire Ulf Ohlsson 1,10.1 Barfota N 37 500 kr 14.42 5.42 PB
4: 4. Sweden Dynamit Björn Goop 1,10.1 Lätt aluminium O 21 000 kr 8.01
5: 6. Russia Kiryukhin Per Lennartsson
Sjalgatjova (-),
Flying Empire (-)
1,10.3 Barfota C 10 500 kr 36.04
6: 5. Sweden T.N.T Jörgen Sjunnesson 1,10.5 Barfota N 6 000 kr 4.81
7: 7. Sweden Falling Scout Conrad Lugauer
Crazy For Pearls (Stall Fight.C.A),
Dance Of Death (Stall Lauvin)
1,11.1g Barfota C 0 kr 17.16
8: 9. Sweden Power Night Erik Adielsson 1,14.7g Lätt aluminium O 0 kr 327.64
9: 3. Sweden Mac Cheek Thomas Uhrberg 1,14.7 Lätt aluminium N 0 kr 48.05
10: 11. Sweden Damjon Kronos Peter Untersteiner 1,14.7 Barfota N 0 kr 62.14
11: 8. Sweden Prince Of Sharpness Tom Horpestad DSQ Barfota N 0 kr 7.21
12: 2. Sweden Puma Larockma Leif Witasp DSQ Barfota N 0 kr 4.81

Track Conditions: Light Conditions
Winner Margin: 0 horses
Owner: Stall Fight.C.A, Claxos
Winner Turnover: 7 208 kr
Top Three Turnover: 5 698 kr

Split Times