1. |
Jodi Quinlan
C |
2.08 |
Revanschsugen efter andraplatsen förra etappen. Vässats i provlopp och räknas! /Soberano |
2. |
Påarps Gun
Kirk Larsen
N |
80.66 |
Ska vara chanslös men ändå spännande /davidfermin |
3. |
Well Prepered
Anthony Butt
N |
6.43 |
4. |
Derek Douglas
C |
65.54 |
5. |
Tug Of War
David Butcher
N |
80.66 |
Om inte kusken blir allt för jävlig ska han ses som en av kandidaterna. /No owner |
6. |
Brent Mangos
N |
40.33 |
Skor och dålig kusk, nöjd med pengar /Buck_Fush |
7. |
Fast Scope Palema
Greg Bennett
N |
69.91 |
får ett lopp på väntan här. Svårt att tro på honom mot dessa.. /No owner |
8. |
Incredible Victory
Todd Mitchell
O |
80.66 |
9. |
Passionated Hero
Kerryn Manning
N |
80.66 |
hoppas på kuskformen upp ca7 steg /No owner |
10. |
Noel Baldacchino
N |
33.83 |
Inte högst grundkapacitet, men i kraft av kusk hoppas vi på ett bra lopp igen. /simon_81 |
11. |
Unwanted Melody
Mark Jones
C |
7.88 |
Stenhårt motstånd men måste ses med bra chans /spanarn |
12. |
Giant Royal
Tony Herlihy
N |
9.66 |
The weather had been good all week and Addington Raceway was in good shape.
One after another the horses came out on the track for the obigatory parade. After some warmup the horses lined up behind the car as it began to move down the track.
Many drivers had set there mind on a front position this day. Fastest of them all were
ended up behind the leader.
got caught on the outside and were forced to take place as first in lane two.
This is the positions after 500m.
took the lead after 1000m.
didn't have a good time being caught on the outside.
accelerated after 1500m and took the lead.
accelerated after 1500m and took the lead.
1: |
12. |
Giant Royal
Tony Herlihy
1,10.0 |
N |
600 000 kr |
9.66 |
2.68 |
 | NR |
2: |
11. |
Unwanted Melody
Mark Jones
1,10.1 |
C |
300 000 kr |
7.88 |
9.97 |
3: |
10. |
Noel Baldacchino
1,10.3 |
N |
150 000 kr |
33.83 |
14.80 |
| NR |
4: |
1. |
Jodi Quinlan
1,10.3 |
C |
84 000 kr |
2.08 |
| NR |
5: |
7. |
Fast Scope Palema
Greg Bennett
1,10.5 |
N |
42 000 kr |
69.91 |
| NR |
6: |
4. |
Derek Douglas
1,10.6 |
C |
24 000 kr |
65.54 |
| NR |
7: |
6. |
Brent Mangos
1,10.9 |
N |
0 kr |
40.33 |
| NR |
8: |
9. |
Passionated Hero
Kerryn Manning
1,10.9 |
N |
0 kr |
80.66 |
| NR |
9: |
5. |
Tug Of War
David Butcher
1,11.2 |
N |
0 kr |
80.66 |
| NR |
10: |
3. |
Well Prepered
Anthony Butt
1,11.2 |
N |
0 kr |
6.43 |
| NR |
11: |
8. |
Incredible Victory
Todd Mitchell
1,13.9 |
O |
0 kr |
80.66 |
| NR |
12: |
2. |
Påarps Gun
Kirk Larsen
1,14.0 |
N |
0 kr |
80.66 |
| NR |