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Sweden Bergsåker Sunny
12:00   Provlopp 2140m 0 kr
12:15   Provlopp (2) 2140m 0 kr
12:30   Provlopp (3) 2140m 0 kr
12:45   Provlopp (4) 2140m 0 kr
Sweden Bollnäs Snowing
12:00   B-lopp 1640m 2 000 kr
12:15   B-lopp (2) 1640m 2 000 kr
12:30   B-lopp (3) 1640m 2 000 kr
12:45   B-lopp (4) 1640m 2 000 kr
13:00   B-lopp (5) 1640m 2 000 kr
13:15   B-lopp (6) 1640m 2 000 kr
13:30   B-lopp (7) 1640m 2 000 kr
Sweden Gävle Sunny
12:00   Provlopp 2640m 0 kr
12:15   Provlopp (2) 2640m 0 kr
12:30   Provlopp (3) 2640m 0 kr
Norway Klosterskogen Cloudy
12:00   Provlopp 2640m 0 kr
Finland Kurtakko Cloudy
12:00   B-lopp 1640m 2 000 kr
Finland Lahti Cloudy
12:00   Provlopp 2640m 0 kr
Norway Leangen Raining
12:00   B-lopp 1640m 2 000 kr
Sweden Skellefteå Cloudy
12:00   B-lopp 2140m 2 000 kr
12:15   B-lopp (2) 2140m 2 000 kr
12:30   B-lopp (3) 2140m 2 000 kr
Sweden Vaggeryd Raining
12:00   Provlopp 1640m 0 kr
12:15   Provlopp (2) 1640m 0 kr
12:30   Provlopp (3) 1640m 0 kr
12:45   Provlopp (4) 1640m 0 kr
Sweden Vaggeryd Raining
12:00   B-lopp 2640m 2 000 kr
12:15   B-lopp (2) 2640m 2 000 kr
12:30   B-lopp (3) 2640m 2 000 kr
12:45   B-lopp (4) 2640m 2 000 kr
13:00   B-lopp (5) 2640m 2 000 kr
13:15   B-lopp (6) 2640m 2 000 kr
13:30   B-lopp (7) 2640m 2 000 kr
13:45   B-lopp (8) 2640m 2 000 kr
Sweden Arvika Brizzle
14:00   Klass Alfa 2640m 60 000 kr
14:10   Klass Beta 2140m 70 000 kr
14:20   Klass Gamma 1640m 80 000 kr
14:30   Klass Delta 2140m 90 000 kr
14:40   Klass Epsilon 2140m 100 000 kr
Sweden Oviken Raining
14:00   Klass Alfa 2140m 60 000 kr
14:10   Klass Beta 1640m 70 000 kr
14:20   Klass Gamma 2140m 80 000 kr
14:30   Klass Delta 2140m 90 000 kr
14:40   Klass Epsilon 2140m 100 000 kr
Sweden Rättvik Cloudy
14:00   Klass Alfa 2140m 60 000 kr
14:10   Klass Beta 2640m 70 000 kr
14:20   Klass Gamma 2640m 80 000 kr
14:30   Klass Delta 1640m 90 000 kr
14:40   Klass Epsilon 2640m 100 000 kr
Norway Bjerke Cloudy
16:00   Top Trot Cup 2100m 700 000 kr
Registrations Start List Results Gamble
Klass Beta (30791)
Sweden  Arvika  2009-11-08

Distance: 2140 m Age/Gender: 4 years old / All
First Prize: 70 000 kr Starting Time: 14:10
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 70 + 0 kr
Max points: - Earnings: min 50 000 kr
Track Conditions: Light Conditions Registration Closes: 2009-11-05 14:10

Start List
1. Sweden Just Explode Anders Elehn
Travelling Lemonade (-), Stopping Thrasher (-)
Barfota O 16.34
2. France Indépendant Hans R Strömberg Lätt aluminium C ↑999
3. Germany Geboren Mit Magie Leif Witasp Barfota N 54.47
4. Sweden Thai Rack Göran E Johansson
Tricky Giggle (-), Stopping Thrasher (-)
Barfota N ↑999
5. USA Kentucky Diplomat Anders I Jonsson Lätt aluminium N 16.34
6. Sweden Believe It Ant Dagfinn Aarum Barfota N 4.09
7. Sweden Falling Scout Carl-Erik Lindblom
Crazy For Pearls (Stall Fight.C.A), Dance Of Death (Stall Lauvin)
Barfota O 3.27
Tror på bra platschans! /Claxos
8. Austria Erfreuen Äussern Åke Sundberg
Überstehen (-), On A Line (-)
Lätt aluminium N ↑999
9. Sweden Sneaky Snake Erik Berglöf Lätt aluminium C 8.17
10. Sweden Diamond Delight Kajsa Frick
Princess Coldheart (-), Growing Ship (Stall Cherry)
Barfota O ↑999
11. Sweden Midsummer Beserk Håkan K Persson Barfota N 5.45

Only a few clouds could be spotted on the sky this day. Arvika track was in top-condition.

One after another the horses came out on the track for the obigatory parade. After some warmup the horses lined up behind the car as it began to move down the track.

Falling Scout sprinted away from the competitors and took the lead. Just Explode was to eager when the car accellerated, galopped and was disqualified.

Erfreuen Äussern saw it's chance when the leader lost tempo and took the lead.

Thai Rack sprinted past the competitors and took over the lead. Diamond Delight galloped for 60m and was disqualified.

Nothing seemed to be able to stop Thai Rack today. It continued in the lead.

Thai Rack kept the speed up and no one had a chance to take over the lead.

Thai Rack were still in the lead when they started the sprint for the finish-line.

Falling Scout won. Sneaky Snake came in second. Believe It Ant caught third place.

1: 7. Sweden Falling Scout Carl-Erik Lindblom
Crazy For Pearls (Stall Fight.C.A),
Dance Of Death (Stall Lauvin)
1,12.6 Barfota O 70 000 kr 3.27 1.82
2: 9. Sweden Sneaky Snake Erik Berglöf 1,12.6 Lätt aluminium C 35 000 kr 8.17 3.06
3: 6. Sweden Believe It Ant Dagfinn Aarum 1,12.6 Barfota N 17 500 kr 4.09 2.03
4: 4. Sweden Thai Rack Göran E Johansson
Tricky Giggle (-),
Stopping Thrasher (-)
1,12.7 Barfota N 9 800 kr ↑999
5: 3. Germany Geboren Mit Magie Leif Witasp 1,12.9 Barfota N 4 900 kr 54.47 PB
6: 8. Austria Erfreuen Äussern Åke Sundberg
Überstehen (-),
On A Line (-)
1,13.3 Lätt aluminium N 2 800 kr ↑999
7: 5. USA Kentucky Diplomat Anders I Jonsson 1,13.4 Lätt aluminium N 0 kr 16.34
8: 11. Sweden Midsummer Beserk Håkan K Persson 1,13.4 Barfota N 0 kr 5.45
9: 2. France Indépendant Hans R Strömberg 1,13.5 Lätt aluminium C 0 kr ↑999
10: 10. Sweden Diamond Delight Kajsa Frick
Princess Coldheart (-),
Growing Ship (Stall Cherry)
DSQ Barfota O 0 kr ↑999
11: 1. Sweden Just Explode Anders Elehn
Travelling Lemonade (-),
Stopping Thrasher (-)
DSQ Barfota O 0 kr 16.34

Track Conditions: Light Conditions
Winner Margin: Half a horse
Owner: Stall Fight.C.A, Claxos
Winner Turnover: 1 634 kr
Top Three Turnover: 1 634 kr

Split Times